Welcome. I created this blog with the intention of connecting with other individuals balancing a hectic lifestyle with consistent creativity cravings. I set out with my mind bursting with blog post ideas, intending to post every single day - then my reality kicked in. In a beautiful way - it's perfect for the type of community I hope to build.

In my first few weeks of creating this blog, it seems like one thing after another. When doesn't it feel like that anymore? When you have young children you find yourself torn between wanting time to stand still, but also avoid catching the daycare/preschool germs every week. Let me put this out into the universe - so it keeps me honest - I want this blog to be a place of positive inspiration.
I would like to keep the majority of my personal life out of the blog. The parts I will include are intentional - I want you to be able to feel like you are connecting with a friend, or can see yourself and your lifestyle.
Here is what you should know :
- My husband and I have two young children. We have navigated the daycare, preschool - and as of a few hours ago...Kindergarten orientation.
- I work a full-time job in the wine industry. When I do post about wine, it will be with the intention of providing confidence in visiting wineries, purchasing wines, and pairing wine with food.
- We try our best to travel, entertain, and find time, daily, to toast to the three best things in our day.
Join me on this adventure. Raise your glass and find your daily cheers.